The Victoria Council of Canadians Urges Victoria City Council to restore housing funding

2012 October 29, by Chapter Council

The Victoria City council in a narrow vote last week decided to cut $100,000 from Victoria City’s affordable housing funding.

Victoria’s budget should not be balanced on the backs of people who need help the most. The Housing Trust Fund is vital in bringing affordable rental homes to the city. The private sector cannot and will not pick up the slack. Affordable housing is the single most important part of ending poverty and helping the most vulnerable. Affordable housing is a smart investment that reduces crime, reduces police and social support budgets and greatly increases societal welfare.

We are sympathetic to the city’s needs to be more efficient in its funding and welcome the city’s leadership in working with the CRD to use its rental housing funds more effectively. We hope that the CRD, other municipalities and the private sector will answer this call. However, that promise for tomorrow cannot come at the cost of reducing funding today. So, while you explore collective solutions to our affordable housing crisis, do not cut funds.

We urge the Victoria City Council to reverse this decision and keep funding at current levels. We thank the councillors and the Mayor who chose to keep funding in the initial vote and hope the other councillors will cast a vote for affordable housing.

Contact the Mayor and City Council at


The Victoria City council in a narrow vote last week decided to cut $100,000 from Victoria City’s homelessness funding. Councillors Shellie Gudgeon, Lisa Helps, Chris Coleman, Geoff Young and Charlayne Joe-Thornton voted for the cuts and Mayor Dean Fortin, Ben Isitt and Marianne Alto voted against the cuts. The cut from $600,000 to $500,000 includes decreasing funding to the City’s Housing trust fund by $200,000. This decrease is partially offset by a $100,000 increase to the Capital Regional District Housing Trust Fund.

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30-Oct-2012 Update: Budget numbers corrected from comments, thanks councillor Lisa Helps.